Interesting facts about hydroponics / aeroponics - everything you want to know

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Welche Pflanzen eignen sich für Hydroponik?

Which plants are suitable for hydroponics?

Which plants are suitable for hydroponics? For those new to hydroponics, a common question is: "What plants are best suited to this system?" In fact, most plants can be grown hydroponically, but...

AeroponicDie Vorteile vertikaler Aeroponik-Farmen: Platzsparend und effizient- auch gegenüber horizontalen NFT Systemen

The advantages of vertical aeroponic farms: space-saving and efficient - even compared to horizontal NFT systems

Optimal use of space through aeroponic towers Vertical aeroponic farms offer significant space savings compared to traditional farming. Although an aeroponic tower requires less than one square m...